Posts Tagged ‘Video Games’

So classes are taking up a lot of my time now. But I promised some people, so I’m now going to do the quintessential Mass Effect right here, and right now. Mass Effect was probably my favorite video game from the last decade. A sci-fi, role-playing game that combined real-time shooter levels with cinematic third-person […]

For those of you who have seen the trailers, television commercials, or any image really of Bayonetta, you would never think me to purchase that kind of video game. Long story short, I went halvsies with the Critic on a new copy of this game. So our friendship, as I have kidded with him, has […]

For the past two weeks, thanks to an intensive shooting schedule and prior commitments (like trivia night), I have often found myself severely lacking in a valuable commodity known as free time. When I do get this free time and I have sole custody of the TV in my apartment, chances are I will be […]

Yes, I realize


Okay, so I haven’t updated the blog in about a week and for that I am quite sorry. But, in my defense, my life has been quite chaotic and I just have not had the time to sit down and write a blog entry. My brother, the Mad Scientist posted an amazing humorous essay on […]



Everyone has had that night where they stay up way late and playing video games. That was last night in a nutshell. Kryden recently purchased a full set-up for Rock Band 2. At first I thought this way another ill-fated endeavor by him to try new video games (see Gears of War and Warcraft III), […]

Oh boy, today was nothing short of lousy. I had two different doctors appointments, the first was with an orthodontist and the second was with my new GP. You have no idea how much acceptable pain I’m in, no really. If on a scale of one to ten in terms of everyday pain, this is […]

Okay, I’ll admit that I miss having cable television. Jack Danger keeps bugging me about this, saying that we would have a much higher quality of life with the pleasures of cable. But since we spend so much of our time watching movies and playing video games. It doesn’t seem like there is any real […]

Friday Re-mixed


Okay, remember how I told y’all that I have to explain every moment of a movie to Kryden to get him to understand what the hell is going on? Well, yesterday Kryden caught something that I didn’t. We were just finishing up Apocalypse Now Redux, when Kryden made the observation that one of the sailors […]

I don’t consider myself much of a partier. I’m not the guy who has ten zillion friends and always know who is throwing down where. I’m not the moron who manages to blackout at every single party, without fail. I’m not the reveler who gets people to start doing keg stands. Correction, I’ve never ever […]